About Us
Riviera High School offers education to high school learners in three major packages namely Cambridge, Business and Technology Education Council(BTEC) and Rwanda National Education program.
Riviera High School is a modern mixed boarding school, situated in the serene location of Kabuga in Rusororo District about fifteen kilometers east of Kigali City. This coeducational facility offers education to high school learners in three major packages namely Cambridge, Business and Technology Education Council(BTEC) and Rwanda National Education program.
Learners who join Riviera are taken through a rigorous induction to ensure they make the right choices before joining any of the three available options. The school runs a September/June calendar of three Terms in an academic year, each lasting an average of three months. Riviera espouse the doctrine of “Focus on the Learner” enhanced by strong spiritual, social and academic disciplines which are further reinforced by an elaborate counselling program.

To produce all round quality students who augur well in today’s dynamic world.
To deliver a learner-centered education underpinned by the established teaching skills and schools strong culture that ensures high performance, discipline, ethics and self-reliance.
Core Values
While many of the values we choose to live by as a school are evident from the Philosophy & Mission, the following principles are considered to be the core values of the School:
The quality of knowing and doing what is morally right including taking responsibility and owning up when asked to. People of honor are held in high esteem by the community as those who can be trusted to do what is right, despite peer and social pressures. Honor relates more to how other people perceive you.
Having strong moral principles that are consistently lived under all circumstances. People of integrity are honest and righteous, having an unwavering moral compass. Integrity is purely a personal quality and has to do with personal beliefs rather than perceptions of others.
Being supportive and true to the school, what it stands for and to those in the school community. Recognizing faults and constructively criticizing does not imply disloyalty. Blind allegiance is discouraged but devotion, emotional attachment and a sense of belonging is nurtured.
Having exceptionally good manners, so much so that this is commented upon by the school community, visitors to the school and the general public. Acting in a manner that is respectful to all, with consideration for others and their points of view. This includes respect for self, others, the school, the environment and those in authority.